About us
Find out more about our mission, organization, financing and functions.
The Public Centre for Counselling, Support Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the use of the city of Ceuta is part of the Red COE, an initiative launched by the National employment system to manage efficiently the employment support policies.
The The centre of Ceuta is an area of innovation created to foster a stable and equal integration of the citizens of Ceuta in the workplace.
Our mission is to accompany people in their professional development, through the promotion of good practices in the field of employment and counselling programmes. Our counsellors advising job seekers, persons and companies, workers in the light of each situation and ensuring equal opportunities.
Together with other public centres of the network, contribute to the development of employment policies issued by the Ministry of labour and Social Economyl and promote innovation for employment through the momentum of innovative projects.
The Network of Public Guidance, Entrepreneurship, Accompaniment and Innovation Centers for Employment is distributed over twenty public centres across Spain. The Network works together to promote innovation in respect of employment and provide advice to individuals and businesses in the search for new job opportunities.
As part of the network COE, have the following functions:
Assess and qualified undertaking of good practices for extended to other employment services and territories.
Designing innovative actions and develop pilot projects on counselling, search and mediation.
Develop and implement a plan of ongoing training for counsellors that include specific training on equal treatment and opportunities between women and men.
Designing entrepreneurship models for implementation in pilot projects.
Supporting the coordination of entrepreneurship projects associated with the capitalization of unemployment benefit (payment of aid).
Monitor and control all of the proceedings of the agencies that promote self-employment, as well as those responsible for supporting employment and creation in labour cooperatives and societies.
Being in contact with representative associations of self-employed workers and the social economy, as well as with other social and economic agents from the scope of the guidance and innovation in employment.
The Network is a COE undertaking envisaged in the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience financed by the european Union - NextGenerationEU. This plan is a tool of Spain for channelling funds for the recovery of the European union aimed at alleviating the impact of the crisis of COVID- 19 .
The implementation of the network is an investment component 23 of this plan, which aims to achieve a labour market more dynamic, resilient, inclusive and prepared for the challenges.
The Recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience mission is to increase productivity and growth towards a green spain, digital, inclusive, with greater territorial cohesion and without gender gaps.
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