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Non-post resources

Access to services and remedies that can help training to improve your employment situation.

Díptico Igualdad de oportunidades
  • Companies


Fomentando la Igualdad en el lugar de trabajo: Recursos y servicios a la empresa


Get services and training resources that can help you improve your personal situation.

Guide of female domestic helpers

Aware of the regulations on labour regulation of domestic workers. 

Tools for equality

Get tools and resources to apply and implement equality plans in your business.


Virtual School of equality

Get courses on gender equality. 

Business support programme for women (PAEM)

Access the programme prepared by the chamber of commerce to support women entrepreneurs.

Latest news

Find out more about the latest news of the COE of Ceuta and work-related.



Barcelona hosts the IV Congress and The First International Congress of The Right of Disability with the main objective of enabling the activation of labour and social protection of persons with disabilities.
The emergence of a new area of law allows, currently, refer to the right to disability as a discrete body of fully developed Legal System.


Accessed from here to other sites of institutions and bodies relating to the centre of Ceuta and the network COE.