Logo del Ministerio Educación Formación Profesional

Directory distance Vocational Training

Get the offers of Training at a distance of the autonomous communities. 


In the directory of Training for the ministry of education and training you will find information on educational opportunities in Spain, organida by cycles and autonomous communities. You Can access the various educational portals of the autonomous communities and cities, as well as the educational opportunities of the centre for innovation and development of distance education (CIDEAD). 

Logo del Ministerio Educación Formación Profesional

Other services

Microsoft Virtual Academy

Get courses taught by Microsoft, for both beginners and professionals in the sector.

Linkedin Learning

Get courses on software, creativity and entrepreneurial skills taught by professionals.

Google Activate

Develop your career or expand your business through courses developed by Google.


Accessed from here to other sites of institutions and bodies relating to the centre of Ceuta and the Red COE.